On Friday 14 October 2022 three of the Primary Trauma Care Foundation’s senior faculty ran an intensive one-day training day for new UK NHS PTC faculty. Whilst this type of training has been run previously outside the UK, this was the first time we have tried this in England. Jeanne Frossard, Tim Beacon, and Nigel Rossiter designed and ran the training day at Tim’s Medical Aid International headquarters, near Bedford.
Eighteen UK medical personnel attended the day, representing Consultants, GPs, Matrons and all medical grades from foundation doctors to senior fellows, and many specialities including General Practice, Trauma and Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine and Gastroenterology. All studied pre-course the participant and instructor courses so that on the day they received practice, tips and tricks to deliver the training.
Many of the new faculty will be deploying in the very near future to countries as far afield as Uganda, Ukraine, India & Brazil.
The day also raised over £1,000 creating valuable income for the charity.
We are extremely grateful to Tim Beacon and his team for the loan of the Centre for this day, for being so accommodating and for providing all the refreshments.