Rajesh Gongal

Medical Education
Darbhanga Medical College, India MBBS 1981 – 1988 Ranked first in I MBBS Exam and third in FINAL MBBS Exam.
Post Graduate Qualification
FRCS (Eng)
FRCSEd (without Examination)
Medical Experience
Pre-registration appointment
Rotating internship
Darbhanga Medical College, India
Post- registration appointments in Nepal Resident Medical Officer [SHO] Department of Surgery
Department of Accident Surgery
Department of Surgery
All at BIR HOSPITAL, Katmandu, Nepal
1993 2001
Feb.1990-Jan. 1991 Feb.1991-July 1991
Gold Honour
This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.
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