Rajendra Prasad

FRCS (Glasgow), FRCS (Neurosurgery) CCST (U.K) Senior Consultant, Department of Neurosurgery & Spine Surgery
Clinical Coordinator Department of Neurosurgery Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
Mathura Road, Sarita Vihar
New Delhi‐ India – 110076
Special Interests
⋅ Spine surgery: Minimal Invasive spine surgery including microdiscectomy for cervical and lumbar discs and spinal instrumentation.
⋅ Ac ute head and spine injuries and neuro‐intensive care.
⋅ Micro surgery and stereotactic surgery for brain and spine tumours.
⋅ Neuro‐rehabilitation for head and spine injuries.
Research Projects
- “Design and Development of technological aids to rehabilitate spinal cord
- injury patients” ongoing project with Department of Biomedical Engineering – Indian Institute of Technology. (IIT). New Delhi (Obtained a grant of Rs. 26,33,000 from Government of India for this project)
- Effects of Hyberbaric oxygen on acute head and spinal injuries’ together with the hyperbaric Oxygen unit at the Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.
- Tuberculosis of the spine: retrospective study of diagnosis and treatment of 48 cases and ongoing prospective study.
Gold Honour
This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.
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