Paul Borgdorff
Specialist in anaesthesia and pain management
Paul Borgdorff is a specialist in anaesthesia and pain management in the Diakonessenhuis in Utrecht, The Netherlands. As a pain specialist his main interests are myofascial pain, neuropathic pain and treatment using radio-frequency.
From 1988 to 1992 he worked in Lesotho as Medical Superintendent of a rural hospital. He has been active in PTC since 10 years, conducting courses in Suriname, Pakistan, Lesotho and Ethiopia. Recently he has supervised PTC courses in China.
In his hospital in Utrecht he is medical manager quality and patient safety. In this function he is responsible for the introduction and maintenance of a Safety Management System in order to reduce errors and incidents in the hospital.
Paul Borgdorff is married with two daughters and his hobbies include golf and travelling.
Silver Honour
This award recognises that the individual has been part of the PTC Instructor Course Faculty at least 2 times.
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