Oscar Gonzalez Allen

Born 0ct 2 1955
56 years old
5 children
Medical doctor, Graduated 1980, National university of Asunción Paraguay, School of medicine, Clinicas hospital(Teaching Hospital)
Rotatory Internship
2 years of Internal medicine at Clinicas Hospital
4 years at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Diplomate in Anaesthesia, (D.A. SA, 1988), Bloemfontein, Pelonomi Hospital, april 29, 1988
Diplomate in anaesthetics,of the Faculty of Anaesthetists
Johannesburg, South Africa
Chief of the Anaesthetic departmant, Clinicas Hospital, 1994-1999
Chairman Publication Commitee, WFSA, 1994-2002
Chairman PTC Latin america, 2000, 2010.
Trustee at PTCF, UK since 2011
Private practice in anaesthesia in Paraguay
Union Secretary at CLASA 2009-2011
Ethics and LEGAL issues secretary at CLASA 2011-2013
Gold Honour
This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.
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