Michelle Joseph
GCAC Member - North America

Name & qualifications:
Michelle Joseph MBBS, BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD, FRCS
Employment: An academic trauma and orthopaedic surgeon, Instructor at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine on the Program in Global Surgery and Social Change.
Other positions:
- Chief Strategy and Health Equity Officer, Program in Global Surgery and Social Change, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
- Director, Equity Research Hub
- Honorary Clinical Lecturer at the University of Warwick
- Hope Health Action (UK/USA NGO) Trustee
- Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Instructor
- Primary Trauma Care (PTC) Instructor
- Royal College of Surgeons of England Fellow
- British Orthopaedic Association Member
- American College of Surgeons Fellow
- The Academy of the Asian Collaboration for Trauma Fellow
- Principal Investigator on the PROTHA Study (PROject Trauma HAiti), IMPACT Study (Integrated Military Partnerships and Civilian Trauma Systems), CER Study (Conference Equity Research) and Racial Health Equity Framework Study.
- 2021: Harvard T.H. Chan MPH Scholarship, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- 2007: Lightowler Orthopedic First Prize, Lightowler Annual Orthopedic Meeting, Basildon University Hospital
- 2007: Lightowler Orthopedic Second Prize, Lightowler Annual Orthopedic Meeting, Basildon University Hospital
- 2005: Royal College of Surgeons of England Opportunities in Surgery Poster Prize, Opportunities in Surgery Annual National Meeting
- 2004: Merit Award in Women’s Health and Communicable Diseases, University College London Medical School
- 2004: The Lord Mayor’s Anniversary Award: Elective Orthopedic Patient Hospital Stay, Lord Mayor and City of London
- 2004: Amulree Award, Amulree Trustees, British Geriatrics Society
- 2003: Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Scholarship, University College London Medical School
- 2001: Intercalated Medical Students Award for Academic Performance and Quality of Research, The PPP Foundation
- 2020: Kletjian Foundation
- 2019: Global Surgery Foundation, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Foundation/research
- 2019: Institute of Advanced Study – Global Challenges Research Fund (IAS-GCRF)
- 2011: Joint Action, British Orthopaedic Association
- 2009: Action Medical Research
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