Jess Davies
Medical Graduate from Stellenbosch University

I am a medical graduate from StellenboschUniversity practicing as a medical intern at Frere Hospital in East London,Eastern Cape, South Africa.
I have a strong passion for surgery and aim to contribute all that I can to thefield. I am currently on the board of the International Association of StudentSurgical Societies (IASSS) as the Past-President and have been part of theorganisation for 5 years. I hope to pursue a career in surgery one day and workto improve my country’s health care system.
In 2022, I had the privilege of attendingInternational Surgical Week (ISW) (hosted by the International Society ofSurgery) as a delegate of the Future Surgeons Programme (FSP) in Vienna,Austria. This year, I served on the organising committee of the FSP to KualaLumpur, Malaysia.
I am currently enrolled in the RoyalCollege of Surgeons of England Postgraduate Certificate in Surgery as part ofmy preparation to write my country’s Surgical Primary Examinations in 2026.
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