Georgina Phillips
GCAC Member - Southeast Asia, Australasia & the Pacific

Name & qualifications:
Georgina Phillips, MBBS, FACEM
- Emergency Physician, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
- Senior Lecturer and Honorary Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia
- PhD Scholar and Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Australia
Other positions:
- Global Emergency Care Committee, Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM); former Chair, current committee member
- ACEM Foundation; Board member
- ACEM Country Liaison Representative;
- Solomon Islands
- The Pacific Community
- Visiting Emergency Medicine Lecturer and Faculty, School of Medicine:
- Fiji National University
- University of Papua New Guinea
- Honorary Professor, Emergency Medicine
- University of Medicine (1), Yangon, Myanmar
- St Vincent’s Pacific Health Fund; Board Member
- Emergency Medicine Australasia Journal; Section Editor
- ACEM 2019: Tom Hamilton Oration
- ACEM 2012: Teaching Excellence Award
- ACEM: Research awards for published / presented papers (2019, 2020), shared funding grants for research projects (2007, 2013)
- ACEM: International Development Grants (project funding) (2012, 2020)
- World Health Organisation: Project funding grant for ‘Epidemic Ethics’ research (2020)
- Medical Journal of Australia publication prize (2015)
- Australian Medical Association Sir Richard Stawell research prize (2007)
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