Emmanuel Moro
PTCF Ambassador

Prof. Emmanuel Ben Moro, PhD (Ed), Mchir, MSc-HSM, MD.
Prof. Moro is an Associate Professor of Surgery, in Gulu, Northern Uganda and past Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Gulu University and is highly experienced in abdominal surgery with particular bias in Endocrine surgery and Emergency Surgery.
He is a retired senior Consultant Surgeon, has been the medical superintendent for Hoima Regional Referral Hospital and is a COSECSA Founding Fellow. He is a world authority on endocrine surgery having trained in Greece he then trained in Emergency Medicine at the French SAMU in Paris and finally obtained a Master of Science in Health services management at Uganda Martyrs University, Uganda.
He has been the PTC co-ordinator for Uganda since 2008. He has taught and supervised on countless PTC courses and in 2013 was responsible for the adoption of PTC training into the undergraduate medical curriculum as well as the default trauma training for Uganda healthcare professionals.
“The Primary Trauma Care Foundation programme is a Gold Standard for training frontline health professionals to quickly assess and manage acute and severe trauma using simple mnemonics for knowledge and skills development, especially in low resource countries”
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