
Carole is a Trustee of the PTCF.
She has recently retired from a senior leadership post in Global Operations at HSBC. Prior to this she was an independent management consultant working in the banking, telecoms, and transport sectors. She also spent over 20 years in global positions in General Electric, Citigroup, and Barclays Bank plc. She has worked all over the world in international management positions in Europe, USA, the Middle East sub-Saharan Africa and the Far East. In 2010, she was elected Chair of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Operational Excellence Council. In 2005 she won the European Woman of Achievement Award for services to women’s networking at General Electric.
She originally trained as a Radiographer at Westminster Hospital and subsequently worked at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and The Hospital for Sick Children, where she studied for her Higher Diploma of The College of Radiographers. She set up the first private MRI scanner in London in the late 1980’s before moving to work for GE Medical Systems in 1992.
“One Hundred Leading Ladies” - by Nancy Honey & Hattie Garlick 2014
Finalist - Women in the City Financial Services sector 2011
Winner - European Woman of Achievement Award - Business Category 2005
Master class in Lean Six Sigma programme development – IQPC 2012
Master class in Strategic Continuous Improvement - Warwick Business School 2011
“Global Business Transformation” - EFMA Annual Operations Excellence Meeting 2011
“Delivering Customer Service Excellence Through Lean 6 Sigma” - Cap Gemini 2010
“Project Diamond– bringing brilliance to business” – Women in the City / Dr Ann Moir Oxford University 2013
Ski-ing, cycling, keeping fit, entertaining friends & family.
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