Alex Bangirana
Consultant Orthopeadic Surgeon

Surname Bangirana
First name Alexander
Primary Leaving examinations 1979
O level examinations 1984
A level 1987
Makerere Medical School(Degree) 1987 to1994
Makerere Medical School(Masters Degree) 1999 to 2003
Attachment Trauma Fellowship Fukui University (Japan) 2006 to 2007
Intern doctor Mulago Hospital 1994 to 1995
Medical officer Mulago Hospital (Accident and emergency unit) 1996 to 1999
Resident orthopaedic surgery Makerere university 1999 to 2003
Medical officer Special Grade (Orthopeadic surgeon) June 2003 to March 2014
Consultant Orthopeadic Surgeon March 2014 to date
Head accident and emergency Mulago National Refferal Hospital Oct 2012 to date
Cosecsa PTC country representative 2012 to date
Clinical Head Orthopaedic department June 2008 to Oct 2012
Assistant secretary Uganda Orthopeadic Association 2006 to 2010
Secretary Uganda Orthopeadic Association 2010 to 2012
President elect Uganda Orthopeadic Association 2013/ 2014
President Uganda Orthopeadic Association 2014 /2015
Playing Squash.
Watching international sports events.
Research and Publications
- Miyazaki T, Kokubo Y, Kobayashi S, Yayama T, Sato R, Uchida K, Bangirana A, Baba H: Ochronotic arthropathy requring bilateral hip and knee joint arthroplasty: case study. Jpn J Rheum Joint Surg 25(4): 489-496, 2007
- Sato R, Uchida K, Kobayashi S, Yayama T, Kokubo Y, Nakajima H, Takamura T, Bangirana A, Itoh H, Baba H: Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the cervical spine:histopathological findings around the calcification and ossification front. J Neurosurg Spine 7: 174-183, 2007
- Yayama T, Uchida K, Kobayashi S, Kokubo Y, Sato R, Nakajima H, Takamura T, Bangirana A, Itoh H, Baba H: Thoracic ossification of the human ligamentum flavum: histopathological and immunohistochemical findings around the ossified lesion. J Neurosurg Spine 7: 184-193, 2007
- Kokubo Y, Kobayashi S, Yayama T, Miyazaki T, Sato R, Uchida K, Bangirana A, Baba H: Bilateral massive new bone formation around the hip joint: a case report. Jpn J Rheum Joint Surg 26 (2): 117-124, 2007
- Kubota C, Kobayashi S, Miyazaki T, Kokubo Y, Yayama T, Uchida K, Sato R, Bangirana A, Baba H: Exceedingly large femoral condyle intraosseous ganglion cyst following high tibial osteotomy. J Orthop Sci 12 (6): 592-596, 2007
- Uchida K, Yayama T, Kobayashi S, Kubota C, Nakajima H, Bangirana A, Naiki H, Wada M, Baba H: Ganglioneuroma emanating from the C8 nerve root within the neuroforamen: a case which underwent intraneural selective tumor resection. Minim Invas Neurosurg 50: 350-354, 2007
- Yayama T, Kobayashi S, Sato R, Uchida K, Takamura T, Bangirana A, BabaH: Insidious progression of paraparaesis secondary to type III meningeal cyst: a study of six difficult cases. Spinal Cord 46(2): 159-161 2008
- Yayama T, Kobayashi S, Sato R, Kokubo Y, Nakajima H, Uchida K, Bangirana A, Itoh H, Baba H: Calcium crystal deposition in the ligamentum flavum of the lumbosacral spine: histopathological and immunohistochemical findings. Clin Rheumatol 27: 597-604, 2008
Gold Honour
This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.
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