Advait Gandhe
PTCF Ambassador

Mr Advait Gandhe BSc (Hons) MB BS(Lon) FRCS (T&O) DIP Graphic Design
Ad is an Orthopaedic Surgeon at Portsmouth Hospitals University Trust in the UK, where he is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer. Ad has relentlessly pursued his passion for making education high quality and working as faculty on various national and international educational groups, including the AO Foundation. He founded and is CEO of Amodisc Ltd, which focuses on developing technologies that enable the global spread of surgical training. He is also Founder and Inventor, of Touch Surgery (Digital Surgery Ltd) which has already made a game-changing impact on the way surgery is taught worldwide.
Ad is a strong advocate for Primary Trauma Care Foundation:
“Quality of healthcare should be the same everywhere, without economic or geographical prejudice. Quality can only be assured through education. PTC courses deliver health education where it’s needed most.“
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