Douglas Wilkinson


Location: China

Name: Douglas Wilkinson

Title: Dr.


  • Consultant Anaesthetist in Intensive Care John Radcliffe Hospital , Oxford
  • Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Nuffield Dept. of Anaesthetics (NDA), Oxford University
  • Surgeon Commander RNR
  • PTC Founder


  • University of Oxford

Areas of Interest:

  • Primary Trauma Care, Intensive Therapy, Anaesthesia in Developing Countries

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

Find out about PTCF Honours

Mike Dobson

Location: United Kingdom

I am currently honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Anaesthetics in Oxford, where I have worked as an anaesthetist for 32 years.

My first contact with the developing world was as a student in Nepal, where I subsequently also worked after completing anaesthesia exams. In Oxford I am associated with the course on Anaesthesia in Developing Countries, of which I was director for 30 years, and have been involved in PTC since its inception.

I have had the pleasure and privilege of teaching PTC courses and instructor courses all over the world (often in association with my wife Shirley), and have also worked with the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesia, and the World Health Organisation.

We have 3 sons,  3 lovely daughters-in-law, and (currently) 3 gorgeous grandchildren!

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

Find out about PTCF Honours