Oscar Gonzalez Allen


Location: Paraguay

Born 0ct 2 1955

56 years old


5 children

Medical doctor, Graduated 1980, National university of Asunción Paraguay, School of medicine, Clinicas hospital(Teaching Hospital)

Rotatory Internship

2 years of Internal medicine at Clinicas Hospital

4 years at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Diplomate in Anaesthesia, (D.A. SA, 1988), Bloemfontein, Pelonomi Hospital, april 29, 1988

Diplomate in anaesthetics,of the Faculty of Anaesthetists

Johannesburg, South Africa

Chief of the Anaesthetic departmant, Clinicas Hospital, 1994-1999

Chairman Publication Commitee, WFSA, 1994-2002

Chairman PTC Latin america, 2000, 2010.

Trustee at PTCF, UK since 2011

Private practice in anaesthesia in Paraguay

Union Secretary at CLASA 2009-2011

Ethics and LEGAL issues secretary at CLASA 2011-2013

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

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Eddy Rahardjo


Location: Indonesia

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

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Haydn Perndt


Location: Australia

Haydn has spent the last twenty five years working, teaching and learning in many overseas countries. He is a past chairman of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) Education Committee and is currently an active member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) Overseas Development and Education Committee (ODEC).

He established the Antipodean Developing Country Anaesthesia course ten years ago and has been involved in the PTC program since it’s inception. He has retired as the Director of the Department of Anaesthesia at the Royal Hobart Hospital but remains a Clinical Senior Lecturer in the University of Tasmania. He was awarded an Order of Australia for his services to medicine.

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

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Rob McDougall

Location: Australia

Rob is a Paediatric Anaesthetist at The  Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria and has been involved with PTC since 1999 as an instructor and trustee (2006-2015).

He has taught PTC in the Pacific, Indonesia, Mongolia and Vietnam.

His professional interests include anaesthesia for paediatric burns surgery, anaesthesia for craniofacial surgery, and education in anaesthesia. Rob has served on WFSA Council (2008-2016) and also has been Chair of the Overseas Development and Education Committee for the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (2008-2016)

Rob’s other interests are swimming, Real Tennis and Australian Football.

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

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Roberto Lopez

Location: Paraguay

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

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Shirani Hapuarachchi

Location: Sri Lanka

Dr. Carmel Shirani Wisidagama Hapuarachchi  MBBS, MD, FRCA

Dr. Hapuarachchi  is the senior consultant anaesthetist and intensivist at the neuro surgical and neuro trauma unit of the National Hospital Sri Lanka. She was appointed to this post in April 1993. She has held several posts in the College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka and was the president of the College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka from January 2004 to January 2006. At present she is the editor of the Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology. She is also the chairperson of the board of study in anaesthesiology of the postgraduate institute of medicine, university of Colombo. She is also a member of the board of study in disaster management. She is an examiner of the part II of the MD Anaesthesiology examination.   She is also a member of the ethical committee of the National hospital Sri Lanka. She is the chairperson of the pre hospital care subcommittee of the Trauma Secretariat of the ministry of Health Sri Lanka. She is an active member of the technical working group on injury prevention and management of the non communicable diseases unit of the ministry of health.

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

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Juan Carlos Duarte

GCAC Member - South America

Location: Venezuela

Name & qualifications:
Juan Carlos Duarte Giraldo, MD MTSVA

Staff Anesthesiologist, Policlínica Las Mercedes. Caracas – Venezuela

Other positions:
Coordinator CLASA Education Committee
Instructor, Simulation Lab, Venezuelan Society of Anesthesiology

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

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David Oloruntoba

Location: South Africa

Name: David, Olayinka, Oloruntoba. (Dr.)

Date of Birth: 24th June 1961.

Nationality: Nigerian.

Marital Status: Married to Monisola. Blessed with three daughters.

University/Medical School:

  • College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. (1979 – 84)
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S.)

Postgraduate Qualification: Fellowship of the West African College of Surgeons in Orthopaedics and Trauma.

  • Currently Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Bedford Orthopaedic Centre, Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital Complex, Mthatha, Republic of South Africa. Joint Establishment Lecturer in Orthopaedic Surgery at the Walter Sisulu University, Mthatha Faculty of Health Sciences.
  • SIGN Project Manager/ trainer – SIGN (Surgical Implant Generation Network) www.sign-post.org January 2008.
  • Assistant Clinical Professor Volunteer, Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of California, San Francisco.
  • Member of the Nigerian Medical Association.
  • Member of the South African Orthopaedic association.
  • Received Appreciation & Achiever award for outstanding service from     the Lesotho Medical Association, July 2002.
  • Registered with the Health Professionals Council of South Africa as Specialist in Orthopaedics


  1. Shonubi AMO, Salami BA, Oloruntoba DO, Mohaleroe P& Agbahowe SA.

Congenital Syphilis in an Immunocompromised Neonate: Case Report.

East Afr. Med. J. 2003; 80: 660 – 663.  (Co-author)

2. Shonubi AMO, Odusan O, Oloruntoba DO, Agbahowe SA, Siddique MA.

“Health for All” in a least developed country . J. Natl. Med. Assoc. 2005; 97: 1020-1026. (co-author)

3. Orthopaedics in the Developing world: Present and future concerns [letter to the   editor], Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (JAAOS)11(1):75-76

4.Contributing author to “Davey’s Companion to Surgery in Africa” (3rd edition 2009 ISBN 978-978-902-469-8)

Conference Papers

  • “SIGN in Lesotho”- Experience of the SIGN Intramedullary Nail In Lesotho.”Annual SIGN (Surgical Implant Generation Network www.sign-post.org) congress. Richland, WA, USA. Sept 9th & 10th 2005.
  • ‘Developing World Fracture Care Challenges’ Presentation as part of a          symposium on Fracture Care in the Developing World at the Orthopaedic Trauma Association Conference Oct 2007, Boston, USA.
  • ‘Orthopaedic Care in the Developing World: “Cultural Exchanges in the Operating Room’  at the University of California San Francisco Surgical Grand Rounds, 24th Oct 2007.
  • ‘Musculoskeletal Training for Orthopaedists and Non-Orthopaedists: Experiences in Lesotho.’  Presentation at The Association of Bone & Joint Surgeons ‘Carl T. Brighton’ Workshop on Musculoskeletal Trauma in Low and Middle Income Countries. Ahmedabad, India, Dec 2007.
  • Primary Trauma Care in Africa’ PTC situational report. Regional Primary Trauma Care Conference. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Dec 5 -7 2008.
  • ‘Education and Communication – Tools for Bridging the Divide in Low Resource Settings.’ Inaugural International Forum, 25th Anniversary Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association, San Diego, USA. 7th Oct 2009.

Career as an International Trainer

I have initiated, organized and been involved in the following workshops;

  • Primary Trauma Care (PTC) two day workshop in Maseru Lesotho 2004
  • PTC one week foundation course in Kigali, Rwanda. Dec 2005.
  • PTC one week foundation course in Mwanza,  Tanzania June 2009.
  • PTC one week foundation course in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Sept 2009.

Hobbies & Pastimes

  • An avid sportsman. I play squash & basketball.
  • Reading, watching movies & travelling.

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

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Bruce Lister

Location: Australia

Associate Professor Dr Bruce Lister


  • Senior Staff Specialist in Paediatric Intensive Care – Mater Children’s Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Associate Professor Griffith University Medical School, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
  • Medical Advisor to the Queensland Intensive Care Training Pathway – Queensland Health.
  • Board Member – College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand
  • Lieutenant Commander – Royal Australian Navy Reserves

Special Interests:

  • Medical Education and Training
  • Medical Simulation


Triathlon, Music, Opera and Cooking.


To complete a full Triathlon Ironman before I turn 60.

Gold Honour

This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

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Roy Fenner

Location: China

Roy has retired from a very active career in Training and Human Resource Development mostly within the International Petroleum Industry

During his time as a Manager in The Petroleum Industry Training Board he was concerned with training standards and Management audits both in UK based small to medium organisations as well as the International major oil companies.

A very rewarding development arising from North Sea Oil and Gas exploration and the tragically high incidents of deaths and accidents during the start up phase was his work setting standards and training facilities for employees working in hazardous conditions offshore. These included drilling technology training facilities in Scotland and Safety and Survival centres on the East Coast of England and Scotland.

In 1989 as an independent consultant he was co-founder, owner and the CEO of the independent College of Petroleum and Energy Studies based in Oxford

Overseas oil executives attended weekly courses, 3-month diplomas and a range of Masters Degrees held in conjunction with 5 British Universities.  With this background he was invited by Doug Wilkinson to join PTC to assist with business planning and fundraising and was elected as Chairman by the Trustees at the Board Meeting held on 11th November 2010.